
To know ahead of time what you are looking for means you are then only photographing your own preconceptions, which is very limiting and often false.
—Dorothea Lange

Morrow Star is a subscriber-based, print publication dedicated to the best writing and photography about, set in, or originating from the actual lived-in American Southwest without the restrictions of ads, content, and length.

Submissions are invited from experienced journalists, nonfiction and fiction writers, photographers and poets. All pitches and submissions, including literary journalism, creative non-fiction, essays, photo essays, profiles, memoirs, novel excerpts, short stories, and poems will be considered. Where a compelling narrative exists, length is less of a consideration.

Morrow Star is also seeking seasoned photographers with a strong style and a clear point of view. We are looking for artists who are, above all else, documentarians who forgo any manipulation or set-ups digitally or manually, before, during or after the moment the shutter is released. We want to be able to know, through your images, who you are and who your subject is beyond the obvious—whether it be a miner, a dancer or a river.

Experienced writers and photographers should be paid well for their work and will be.

Readers of Morrow Star are intelligent, curious and informed. Regardless of their backgrounds, readers of Morrow Star will feel engaged and respected by what they find in the magazine’s pages. We are about the Southwest. Not about its stereotypes.

Please note, that the work in Morrow Star will never advocate, politicize, endorse, or conceal advertising or promotion within editorial content.

Send a short, specific pitch or fully formed submission to Be sure to include samples of your work. Poetry: send 3-5 pages. Photographers, please include links to your portfolio and links to previously published work.